Three-Part Drill

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Now that you’ve assessed your students on prefixes, suffixes, Latin, and Greek incorporate known morphemes into your Three-Part Drill and continue to add to the review deck as you teach. The Three-Part Drill should be administered at least two to three times per week in general education classrooms or daily for intervention, using the Purple Flip Chart, Morpheme Card Pack, and Morpheme Chart. This review drill is key in helping your students master concepts. (3PD)

Handling Miscues: 

  • Visual

    • Immediately address the error by stating the correct morpheme and definition Example: pre- means before. Have students repeat it with you. Next, have students say it independently. Then place the card back in the pile so students have another opportunity to try the missed concept.


  • Auditory/Kinesthetic

    • Immediately address error by stating the correct morpheme and definition while modeling how to write the morpheme(s). Example: to burst or break: rupt means to burst or break (as the teacher is modeling how to spell on the dry-erase board, Smartboard, or other medium). Then have students repeat it with you. Then have students say it independently. Then repeat the definition later in the drill so students have another opportunity to try the missed concept. 


  • Blending

    • Immediately address errors by correctly identifying the morphemes. Then have students try it with you. Then have students do it independently. 
    • When writing word sum, have students put + between each morpheme and → before they rewrite the word. Example: un + inter + rupt + ed → uninterrupted (Students spell: u-n plus i-n-t-e-r plus r-u-p-t plus e-d is rewritten as u-n-i-n-t-e-r-r-u-p-t-e-d uninterrupted.) 
    • Have students discuss what each morpheme means to identify the definition of the word. 

Remember, consistency in your instructional routines will support students’ development of mastery and automaticity in reading, spelling, and writing.  Visit for additional resources!