Assessing Your Students

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Assessment is an essential part of teaching. It is necessary to find a baseline for instruction as well as to benchmark three times a year. Progress monitoring is also essential for students in Tiers 2 and 3 of RTI. This will help determine whether or not your interventions are working properly. We recommend using a normed fluency assessment to progress monitor, such as AIMSweb, Acadience Reading K-6, or DIBELS 8th Edition

Assessing students on their knowledge of morphemes has several instructional benefits:

  • Pre-assessments identify morphemes students already know and provide a starting point for the Three-Part Drill. These results also help teachers determine which morphemes need to be explicitly taught as new concepts.
  • Post-assessments can provide progress monitoring or mastery data after instruction has been provided.  
  • Sharing growth with students through pre, post, and progress monitoring assessments can be motivating for students.

IMSE’s Morphology Plus Training Manual includes ready-made morpheme assessments in the “Morphology” section.  These matching and multiple-choice assessments are aligned with the IMSE Morpheme Card Pack.  Other means of assessment include the following:

  • Google Quiz – Latin Bases example to copy
  • Kahoot! 
  • Cloze procedure
  • Having students write a sentence using a word with a particular base
  • Having students provide known words containing a given base
  • Providing students with words and asking them to identify the base in each word