Cursive Handwriting

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Common Core has taken cursive handwriting out of the standards; however many states have realized the benefits of cursive handwriting and have brought it back. Cursive can benefit students in ways you may not have realized! 

Studies suggest that students with disabilities may benefit significantly from using cursive handwriting instead of print.  There are fewer reversals with cursive.  It is an art form and uses a creative component in which students with disabilities often excel.  It is a better representation of the spoken word since there are no breaks between sounds, only between words. 

Here are some tips when teaching cursive:
  • Purchase the Writing Wizard Cursive App. This is a great way to introduce writing each letter. Students love it!
  • Use cursive to practice writing morphemes in the sand.
  • Use cursive when doing word and sentence practice. 

If your students are struggling with reversals, sloppy handwriting, and letter formation…try teaching cursive handwriting.  It may make all the difference in the world!